How I got started in Tech: Why Technical Writing?

How I got started in Tech: Why Technical Writing?


Hi there, thank you for taking the time to check this out. I'm Eseose(Sose for short) a firm believer in "You can learn and be genius at anything".

In this article, I share my experience so far in the tech ecosystem and hope that it helps you navigate yours as well. My major focus - Technical writing.

What is technical writing?

Simply put, it's the breaking down of complex technical concepts for a target audience. Regardless of who your target audience is, the ultimate goal of technical writing is for them to find your written work easy to understand and, if necessary, practice it.

Why technical writing?

I realized that for someone who was super fascinated by technology, I was sorely lacking. And boy did I need to fix that! The fact that I had previous writing experience gave me the much-needed confidence that helped me transition(for context, I was previously an advertising copywriter).

Months ago, I had no idea what the box model or DOM were, but now here I am, studying articles, courses, and videos, learning something new every other day. So If you're someone like me, who loathes routines, enjoys a good challenge, and also has CIA research skills, you should give technical writing a shot. Keep in mind that your reasons have to be tough enough to carry you through moments when self-doubt lingers. Because there are such moments.

My major WHY: is the opportunity the technical writing space offers. I get to actively learn about past, present, and emerging technologies, write about them, and earn while at it. Seems like a good deal, don't you agree?

Getting started with technical writing (My POV)

There's so much useful information available and It's easy to get lost in it. I know I did:( and it made me procrastinate even more. For a moment I got lost in other people's journeys and forgot to experience mine. Luckily, I found an approach that made me less overwhelmed in my early stages.

● I studied one introduction to technical writing article

● I watched one beginners guide to technical writing Youtube video

● I read one highly-recommended book on technical writing

● I took one course on technical writing

● I joined one community of technical writers

As I did the above,

● I learned a tech skill: If you're like me, transitioning from a non-technical field, you should look into learning a tech skill. For example; Software development, Cybersecurity, Artificial intelligence and Machine learning, Cloud computing, etc.

● I documented as I learned: not as a thought leader but as someone who's learning and wants to share their knowledge(I do this on my Twitter account). Remember, It's okay to share your knowledge, even as a newbie.

● I built projects as I learned: It's easy to think you understand a technical concept until you have to explain it to an audience or have to build a project with it. So, I build with what I learned. Don't get stuck in tutorial hell. I did for a while, and that's why it took forever to write this article.

● I joined communities and made buddies: Ask and answer questions; cheer and be cheered by others; congratulate and be congratulated by others. My journey became less turbulent and took a better turn when I had people inspiring me and making me laugh along the way.


I was told it doesn't get easier, you only get stronger and better. On this journey of mine, I intend on having the most fun while learning and growing along the way. So should you!

If ever you decide to take up technical writing, I hope this article gives you the clarity you seek.

Thank you for reading this far. Now that I've successfully broken out of tutorial hell expect more articles and progress reports from me. Hehe :) Feel free to connect with me on Twitter.